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Open Source and crossplatform archive utility

Page updated: January 02, 2002
Your comments, ideas and criticisms are welcome. Please send to project maintainer: Peter Ivanov

NeonZip is an application for management of archive files. It has a graphic user interface that is very close to the world famous WinZip(tm) and it is completely realized in pure Java. NeonZip is Open Source software and is published under terms of GNU General Public License.

You can see screenshot here

The main purposes of this project are it to has basic support of ZIP files, to has GUI (Graphic User Interface) and to support the main archive files operations. If this project goes successfully in the feature there will be added some other popular archive formats - TAR, GZIP and etc.

For more details, please see in changes.txt

Source code 139 KB

Self-executable JAR file 266 KB

To start JAR file you have to make current the directory where JAR file is located and you have to write the following in console:
java -jar neonzip-xxxxxxx.jar

Announcement list for new releases can be found here:
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A task with high priority is to make the documentation of abstract interface that supports different types archive formats. This interface will allow the other developers easily to integrate support of other widespread formats without a need to examine the big part of application source code.

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